
  • Cartography, graphics and technical writing.
  • Internet maps.
  • Clarifying your technical communications through maps, graphics and writing.


Services will meet Canadian government requirements for NI 43-101 technical reports, for the Canadian stock exchange, and provincial and territorial assessment reports, where required.

GISjoy specialises in clear and concise technical communications for the lay person, including news release graphics, presentation graphics and technical writing for websites.

Technical Writing, Editing and Research Services

drill instructions, instruction writing, layout and design

GISjoy provides technical writing services that will clearly and concisely convey the client's message. Writing and editing of technical information, promotional material and website information, research and fact checking services are available.

NI 43-101 property geology report editing, table editing, figure editing, cartography  figure update, map editing, cartography map update

Technical writing and editing services include:

  • technical report editing of assessment and NI 43-101 reports;
  • technical writing for reports, user manuals and instructions;
  • writing promotional material and website information; and
  • simplification of technical information written for the lay person.

NI 43-101 property geology report writing, report editing, table editing, figure editing, cartography  figure update, map editing, cartography map update, layout and design

Technical writing services include:

  • layout and design for reports, instructions and user manuals.

human factor analysis, writing, layout and design

Researching services include:

  • researching specific subjects, talking with subject matter experts; and
  • researching earth science topics, geography, geology and environmental subjects.

See more.

Portfolio Technical Writing and Editing Services

Portfolio showing writing and editing examples.