
  • Cartography, graphics and technical writing.
  • Clarifying your technical communications through maps, graphics and writing.


Services will meet Canadian government requirements for NI 43-101 technical reports, for the Canadian stock exchange, and provincial and territorial assessment reports, where required.

GISjoy specialises in clear and concise technical communications for the lay person and general public, including news release graphics, presentation graphics and technical writing for websites.

GIS and Databases Services

property geology, exploration, drilling and topography cartography map

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

is the meeting of databases and maps providing useful spatial information with data output through reports, maps and charts.

property geology, exploration and topography cartography map

GISjoy provides GIS and data services, particularly for the mining and environmental industries, ensuring accurate data and products. These services focus on GIS work and management that may include organizing, validating, creating and managing data. Creating maps for working purposes, technical reports and to meet Canadian government requirements are available.

diamond drill hole vertical cross section showing geology / lithology and assay values

All data will be organized, with GIS data and maps provided as a digital package setup ready for the client to use.

gold assay isoline / contour values from surface rock samples with satelite imagery and topography cartography map

GIS and database management services include:

  • organizing, validating, extracting, modifying and updating data;
  • maps for technical reports, e.g. assessment and NI 43-101 reports;
  • working and final map creation;
  • project generation;
  • drill hole sections and plans; and
  • maps for presentation, presentations and posters.

Portfolio GIS Services

Portfolio showing GIS examples.