
  • Data, cartography, graphics, presentations, reports, technical writing and editing.
  • Clarifying your technical communications through maps, graphics and writing.

Technical Writing and Editing Portfolio

NI 43-101 report editing ESL NI 43-101 report editing ESL NI 43-101 report editing ESL
National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) reports edited, English as a second language (ESL).

NI 43-101 property geology report editing, table editing, figure editing, cartography  figure update, map editing, cartography map update NI 43-101 property geology report editing, table editing, figure editing, cartography  figure update, map editing, cartography map update
Examples of NI 43-101 reports all text, figures and tables edited and formatted.

NI 43-101 property geology report writing, report editing, table editing, figure editing, cartography  figure update, map editing, cartography map update, layout and design NI 43-101 property geology report writing, report editing, table editing, figure editing, cartography  figure update, map editing, cartography map update, layout and design
NI 43-101 report, sections written, e.g. Tungsten Market, and report edited.

investor relations writing summary investor relations writing summary
Examples of summarizing information, e.g., investor relations.

GISjoy technical writer, user instructions
drill instructions, instruction writing, layout and design
Instructions example, drill instructions written and layout and design created.

human factor analysis, writing, layout and design
Human Factor Analysis, the study of how humans interact with the information being communicated. How well is the information being communicated to the target audience?

GISjoy for Technical Writing, Editing and Research Services

Contact GISjoy to learn more.