- Data, cartography, graphics, presentations, reports, technical writing and editing.
- Clarifying your technical communications through maps, graphics and writing.
GIS Portfolio
Access database drill hole setup.
Access database land management setup: details of claims table, query and report created.
Access database land management setup: details of claims table, query and report created.
Access database land management setup: database table relationships.
Modified property geology, property area and exploration target areas.
Modified property geology, property area and exploration target areas.
Modified property geology, property area and exploration target areas.
Drill hole surface plan showing property geology, diamond drilling, drill hole trace and cross sectional lines.
Property geology and location map showing exploration, diamond drilling, geology and toography.
Geology digitized from older maps, diamond drill holes and rock samples located from GPS coordinates.
Property geology and location map showing exploration work, diamond drilling, geology and topography.
Diamond drill hole vertical section showing lithoglogy (geology), geophysics and assay values.
Diamond drill hole vertical section showing lithoglogy (geology) and assay values.
Diamond drill hole surface plan showing lithoglogy (geology), high assay values and mineralised zones.
Diamond drill hole vertical section showing lithoglogy (geology), high assay values and mineralised zones.
Gold assay value isoline (contour) map, with assay values are from surface rock samples, satellite imagery and topography.
Exploration area and property geology map.
GISjoy for GIS Services
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